
Debugging your WunderGraph application

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code includes built-in support for debugging JavaScript/TypeScript, making it convenient to debug your hooks or functions in your WunderGraph application. To utilize the JavaScript Debug Terminal, follow these steps:

  • Open Visual Studio Code and navigate to the bottom pane.
  • Select the TERMINAL tab.
  • Click the + symbol to open a new terminal.
  • Choose Javascript Debug Terminal.

JavaScript Debug Terminal in Visual Studio Code

From the newly opened terminal, launch your application using either npm start or wunderctl up. This will run your JavaScript based code inside a debugger, allowing execution to halt at your breakpoints.

Debugging the WunderGraph server

If you need to debug the WunderGraph node, which is written in Go, you can follow these steps in Visual Studio Code:

Visual Studio Code

  • Install Go language support for VSCode . Make sure to install additonal tools when they pop up, or manually run Go: Install/Update Tools command from the command palette.

  • Add the configuration to your launch.json file. Replace MY_CODE_DIR with the absolute path to your project's .wundergraph directory.

"name": "Launch WunderGraph",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "auto",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/cmd/wunderctl/main.go",
"args": ["up", "--debug", "--wundergraph-dir", "MY_CODE_DIR/.wundergraph"],
"envFile": "MY_CODE_DIR/.env",
  • Set your breakpoints and run "Launch WunderGraph" from the debug menu.

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