WunderGraph Conventions

Everything you need to know about using Environment Variables

WunderGraph is a bit special in terms of how you can use environment variables. This section explains why that is and how you can use them.


Early on, we've made the decision that you should not configure your API Gateway using YAML, JSON or similar ways. Instead, you should use TypeScript to "generate" the configuration.

Using TypeScript to generate the configuration has many advantages, like it's possible to re-use the same configuration for multiple APIs, and you're able to leverage the rich type system of TypeScript to make sure that your configuration is valid.

When writing your configuration in wundergraph.config.ts, you might be tempted to use process.env.{VARIABLE_NAME} to get the value of an environment variable. Apparently, this will not work.

When you run wunderctl up, we will compile wundergraph.config.ts and execute it to generate the final configuration (wundergraph.config.json).

The API Gateway will then load the configuration from wundergraph.config.json. If you were using process.env.{VARIABLE_NAME}, how would the API Gateway know what value to use?

That's why we've added the EnvironmentVariable class to the WunderGraph SDK. Here's an example:

// wundergraph.config.ts
import { EnvironmentVariable } from '@wundergraph/sdk';
authentication: {
cookieBased: {
providers: [
id: 'keycloak',
clientId: new EnvironmentVariable('KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID'),
clientSecret: new EnvironmentVariable('KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET'),
issuer: new EnvironmentVariable('KEYCLOAK_ISSUER'),
authorizedRedirectUris: ['http://localhost:3000'],

Once we generate the configuration, the EnvironmentVariable name will be encoded in the configuration. When the API Gateway loads the configuration, it will use the EnvironmentVariable name to get the value of the environment variable.

This way, you can define variables in your TypeScript configuration, and the API Gateway can load the values at runtime, giving you the flexibility to change the values through the environment.

Most importantly, this approach allows you to keep secrets and API keys out of the generated configuration. You can safely commit the generated configuration to your repository, if you're using Environment Variables this way.

If you were using process.env.{VARIABLE_NAME}, the environment variable would resolve during the build process of the configuration, so the value would be statically encoded in the configuration.


The section above talked about how we're using TypeScript to generate the configuration and why we've introduced the EnvironmentVariable class. In contrast to generating the configuration, the wundergraph.server.ts file is actually compiled and executed at runtime.

So, you're safe to use process.env.{VARIABLE_NAME} in your wundergraph.server.ts file.

Wundergraph Default Environment Variables

By default, when no options are passed to wundergraph.config.ts or wundergraph.server.ts, we will use environment variables with default values:

Variable nameDescriptionDefault value
WG_LOG_LEVELThe log level of the WunderNode/WunderGraph Server.info
WG_NODE_URLThe internal URL of the WunderNode.http://localhost:9991
WG_NODE_INTERNAL_URLThe internal URL of the WunderNode handling internal operations.http://localhost:9993
WG_PUBLIC_NODE_URLThe publicly available URL of the WunderNode.http://localhost:9991
WG_NODE_HOSTThe host of the WunderNode.localhost
WG_NODE_PORTThe port of the WunderNode.9991
WG_NODE_INTERNAL_PORTThe port of the WunderNode for internal operations.9993
WG_SERVER_URLThe URL of the WunderGraph Server.http://localhost:9992
WG_SERVER_HOSTThe host of the WunderGraph Server.localhost
WG_SERVER_PORTThe port of the WunderGraph Server.9992
WG_PROMETHEUS_ENABLEDWhether to enable Prometheus metrics. *Enterprise license required.false
WG_PROMETHEUS_PORTPort used to serve Prometheus metrics.8881
WG_SUBSCRIPTION_SERVER_PING_INTERVALPing interval when serving subscriptions, as a duration (e.g. 30s)off

Available log levels

  • fatal
  • panic
  • warning
  • error
  • info
  • debug

To have a proper code completions for log level you could use exported type from our sdk

import { LoggerLevel } from '@wundergraph/sdk';
const level: LoggerLevel = 'warning';

How to use default environment variables

When you want to use default environment variables you don't have to type them manually as we are providing enum for that.

import { WgEnv } from '@wundergraph/sdk';
import { EnvironmentVariable } from './variables';
const varName = WgEnv.ServerPort; // WG_SERVER_PORT
const variable = new EnvironmentVariable(WgEnv.ServerPort, '9992');


  • wundergraph.config.ts: Runs at build time, use EnvironmentVariable to inject environment variables into your configuration
  • variables defined using EnvironmentVariable will be resolved by the API Gateway at runtime
  • wundergraph.server.ts: Runs at runtime, use process.env.{VARIABLE_NAME} to access environment variables

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